
Books For Sale

Books by Laura Grace

God has called Laura to share and help build up the Body Of Christ by sharing testimonies and revelations imparted to her by Him.

She has written three main books (at this time): Grace to the Rescue, Grace to Grow, and Grace to Soar, as well as her most recent book, Dysfunctional People.

These books are some highlights of her journey and treasures God put in on her heart during some very difficult times.

Her heart is to see God rescue souls from whatever keeps them from being close to Him.

Laura also writes children’s books.

Laura lives in Montana, is often a speaker in churches in her area, and has been attending Liberty University online, does Pastorial studies and Christian Counseling.

Laura can be reached at

Find her on these Facebook pages: •

Read her Blog at:

Amazon Kindle – $5.99

Amazon Paperback – $6.99

Peaches and Keen – by Laura Grace

This little book about friendship will (hopefully) make you laugh and smile and relate. ” I have had fair-weather friends, sometimes friends, here today and gone tomorrow friends, and friends that stay close to my heart for years to come. What makes a person such a great friend? Inquiring minds long to know. Some say it is loyalty, while others claim friends who are always honest (to a fault). The bible has a lot to say about friendship, and I have studied it through the years. I wonder sometimes if we get so busy “serving God” and doing things for him, we forget to be that good friend the bible talks about.” I hope this little book blesses you. -Laura Grace

October 2020

Amazon Paperback – $3.99
Large Print

The Horrendous Bad Day –
by Laura Grace

Everyone has horrendously bad days. What do you consider to be a bad day? For Chrisitans, it can vary. For me the worst days are the days I feel like giving up. In This short & candid mini-book, Laura deals with the subject of marraige, and the horrendously bad day she wanted to give up on it. You will find humor, common sense, and great counselling tips in this easy-to-read book that is a reminder to stop and check yourself, before you freak out.

July 2020

Amazon Paperback – $9.99

Confidence – by Laura Grace

We all want Confidence! It’s why we study, pray, go to meetings. We so desperately want to learn to stand on our own two feet, in Christ. God has promised us he will finish the good work he started in us. Let’s Start Believing him, and have the relationship with God we always dreamed about.

“The trouble is, instead of getting a personal word from heaven, most wind up going to those who say that just going to church, paying your tithe, and sitting in a pew (waiting for instruction) on what to do next IN the church, is the will of God for their lives.” (Excerp from book). We need to know where we are going, what we are doing, and why. Most of all, we need CONFIDENCE as we do it. Learn how to gain Confidence in Christ, with the help of Laura’s compelling new book.

December 2019

Dysfunctional People – by Laura Grace

There are stubborn people, snobby people, people who have attitude or even can be a little bit lofty at times. Not everything is a sin problem (which makes us a basket case if we think this way) or a devil problem. Explore the various personality types and explore how to deal with it in this fun and helpful synopsis on personality styles. This is a self-help, meditation style guide, to help Christians and ministers alike.

July 2018


Amazon Kindle or Paperback – $3.99

Grace to Grow with Study Guide – by Laura Grace

This book is unique.

A result of a 5-year Journey seeking God for Revelation on growing and understanding how to grow in grace and the knowledge of God, Laura shares truths which helped her shed and be free of doctrines of men, false religious teachings, and most of all, the deceptions of the enemy that kept her from growing, and becoming all she could be in Jesus. This is a powerful book.

November 2017

Amazon Kindle Edition

Amazon Paperback – $4.22

Grace to the Rescue – by Laura Grace

Grace to the Rescue is the incredible and true story of one woman’s journey with the Lord through many trials and tribulations in a marriage fraught with trials, pain and abuse and seemingly no escape.

Laura is a relationship minister and exhorter and has attended Liberty University Online.

Anyone struggling to find their way out of dysfunction, heartache and pain; while at the same time struggling to keep their walk with God intact should find this book both helpful and refreshing. Her story is candid, down to earth, true, and full of Testimonies about God’s unfailing love. Be encouraged today!

June 2017

Grace to Soar by Laura Grace

In a tantalizing mixture of teachings and testimonies, triumphs and truths, Laura Grace nails it in “Grace to Soar”. A book sure to captivate your very heart with her sharing about everyday life and overcoming in the world of work and church and living with others who do not believe. Very down to earth and rich with spiritual treasures, both old and new.

June 2016


Amazon Paperback – $5.98

The Righteous Little Tree – by Laura Grace

Children’s Book

A fun book for children about becoming a Tree of Righeousness, based on Psalm 1:3. Follow Herbie the Tree, in his Journey to live in a little boys’ heart. A great story plus visualizion for kids just grasping the concept of “God’s Seeds” being sown in their hearts and minds.




Amazon Paperback – $4.49

ABC’s of Christianity – by Laura Grace

Children’s Book

This is a fun and memorable book that helps kids remember who they are in Christ. Written in fun rhymes with power packed truths, this book is sure to bless children and teens everywhere.