About Us
We want to interact with Christian Women helping them transform to Beauty from Ashes
We are a Christian Woman’s Ministry serving courageous women to rise up and shake off life’s ashes, to claim their Christ ordained beauty and walk in optimal whole being health; spirit, soul and body.
We hope to fulfill that by offering Bible teaching and study, life coaching, workshops and conferences.
Our Company
Beauty from Ashes was birthed from a vision from God. Lori Lookabill, RN and Certified Personal Growth Coach followed her vision as God developed it step by step.
As a nurse she believes in divine health and healing and health and healing with use of medicine. She realized the importance of whole being health; spirit, soul and body; and the significance of how they each influence health. With a revelation of whole being health and knowing the beauty God has created from her life’s ashes, Lori followed God’s direction to start this ministry. Peggy accepted the invitation to move forward with the vision and mission.
Lori and Peggy have the same heart to love and serve the Lord and also love and serve His daughters. Together they are a great team. They are mature in the Lord, pray, can hear Him and want to help women succeed and partner with them to find the beauty God will create from the ashes of their lives.

Our Team

Lori Lookabill
I grew up knowing about Jesus and going to church every week, but I met Jesus as my personal savior in 1984. I made my home at House of Faith (Faith Tabernacle) and am still learning and serving there. I am a wife and a proud mom of 3 grown children and grandma to 5 grandkids. My kids and grandkids are my heart.
I started my nursing career in 2004 and have worked in many different settings. I loved nursing but my absolute passion is to serve God, my family and women. I learned to use the Word of God and keep my eyes on the Lord as I face all kinds of trials and temptations. He taught me about His love, His Word, how to forgive, serve and how to keep on walking when I thought I couldn’t go any longer. He has given me the best parents, who are strong Christian examples for me, and friends who support me through those times.
I have the habit of looking at things that might not be useful anymore or even garbage or scraps of things and create something useful or beautiful from it. God speaks to me when I create crafts, paint, and make something new from something old. Just like He does with our lives. He creates beauty from our ashes.

Peggy Funke
My hometown is Moscow, Idaho where my father was a successful business man who loved Jesus. I am married and the proud mother of two daughters and one son, two grandsons and one granddaughter. The Lord blessed them with talent, intelligence, humor, and a love for God.
My grandmother is the one who started my understanding of Jesus. But I went my own way in my teens, trying to guide my life on my own. What a train wreck. In May 1998, I decided to do it God’s way and was baptized in the Church of Christ which started my serious pursuit of Jesus. I have since attended many churches looking for more knowledge, going deeper. I currently am faithful in being a part of Life Church in Boise, ID on-line.
Through all my bad choices in life, God never gave up on me. I have experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in a vision, deliverance from cigarettes, healings (including beating cancer with only a 7% chance of survival and my son from scoliosis), and many other wonderful aspects of my life. These trials and staying in the Word, joining in Bible studies and prayer for direction are what led me to recognize what a wonderful offer Lori presented to me to join Beauty From Ashes Ministries.